mng 보험 운영 III (재)
mng 보험 운영 III (재)
로그인 요청
회원가 적용을 위해 로그인을 하여주시기 바랍니다.
Since 1975 역사와 함께 빛나는
● 주제: 보험 운영 III
● Title: Insurance management III
● 강사: 조본환 원장
● 일시: 재방송, 2024-01-20 SAT 3pm-7pm 4h
● 개요: SOAP 노트 작성요령
오딧 대처법
교통상해보험(PI Case)
한의사 진료 영역/ 치료범위
● 강사이력
Master’s Degree from Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles.
American Liberty University Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Medicine(Ph.D)
American Liberty University Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Medicine(Ph.D) – Awarded Best Dissertation
Founded Sang Sang Dang Medical Acu Group, Inc, a clinic located in Los Angeles. (1995 – Present)
Pacific West Medical Group. Director (1999 – Present )
Association of Korean Asian-Medicine & Acupuncture of California. (AKAMAC) President (2022 – Present)
National Alliance of Korean Asian-Medicine & Acupuncture U.S.A. (NAKAMA) President (2022 – Present)
Successful Oriental Medicine Clinic Management. (SOM School) President & Professor (2020 – Present)
Society of Nerve Entrapment Syndrome and Musculoskeletal Pain. President of the Society in USA (2016 – Present)