President Greeting 회장인사

존경하는 미주한의사총연합회 및 가주한의사협회 회원 여러분, 또 미주 각주의 한의사 여러분!
제 21 대 신임 회장 조본환 회장 인사 드립니다.
희망찬 2024년 새해를 맞이하여 복 많이 받으시고 더욱 건강 하시고 한의원도 번창하시길 기원합니다.

1. ASH와 건강보험의 Acupuncture Coverage 확대를 위해서, 각 미국 한의사 협회, 중국 한의사 협회, Acupuncture 보드, 의회, California Department of Consumer Affairs등과 연계 하여 확대를 노력하겠습니다.
2. 한의사 Scope (습부항, 도침, 약침, 매선침 etc) 확대를 위해 노력하겠습니다.
3. 협회의 재정을 투명하게 운영하도록 하겠습니다.(재정을 누구나 볼수 있게 깨끗하고 투명하게 할 것 입니다.)
4. 한의 신문고 설치: (한의사의 불편 해소를 위해 핫라인 설치)
5. 미국 현장에 맞는 체계적이고 훌륭한 보수교육을 준비 하겠습니다.
여러분과 함께 미주한의학 발전을 위해 노력 하겠습니다.

회장 조본환




Dear esteemed members of the Acupuncture Association of the United States and the Association of Korean Asian Medicine & Acupuncture of California,
And all the acupuncturists in every states in the United States!
We send best wishes as the 21st newly elected president Bon Hwan Cho, and Vice-President Ga Sun Baik.
We wish you good health, good luck, and a successful business as we welcome the new year of 2024. As the 21st officers and board members of the association face the new year, we will work hard to improve the legal rights of our members and advance the rules of acupuncturists. We will also prepare high-quality academic continuing education courses through a mutual relationship with The Society of Korean Medicine. We will also work hard to raise the social standing of acupuncturists by working together with other American acupuncture societies and associations.

1. To expand the ACUPUNCTURE COVERAGE of health insurance and ASH, we will make an effort to work together with every American and Chinese acupuncture association, the Acupuncture Board, the Congress, and the California Department of Consumer Affairs.

2. We will work to expand the scope of practice of acupuncturists (wet cupping, knife acupuncture, herbal injection, thread-embedding acupuncture.

3. We will manage the association with transparent finances. (any member may see the financial statements)

4. Establish a member hotline to file complaints.

5. Provide high-quality continuing education that meets the needs of acupuncturists in America.

We sincerely wish everyone's family and your acupuncture business God's great blessing and grace.

21st Board Members