The Articles of Association

Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1 (Name)
This association is a non-profit corporation registered with the state government and is called the “California State Oriental Medicine Association” (English name: ASSOCIATION of KOREAN ASIAN MEDICINE & ACUPUNCTURE of CALIFORNIA) (hereinafter referred to as “the association”).

Article 2 (Location)
The association's office is located in Los Angeles, and branches may be established in each region.

Article 3 (Purpose)
1. Activities to promote the rights and interests of oriental medicine doctors and establish legal and institutional mechanisms for the government, and contribute to the treatment of diseases in human society.
2. We will inherit and develop oriental medicine by promoting friendship among members, exchanging academic information, and developing joint research.
3. Expand exchanges between Oriental medicine academic groups, pursue new era changes and innovations in Oriental medicine treatment, and expand opportunities for new generations to participate.

Article 4 (Business)
In order to achieve the purpose of the preceding article, the Association conducts the following member rights and interests projects.
1. Establishment and operation of research institute.
2. Holding academic conferences and academic lectures.
3. Group purchasing business.
4. Publication of magazine and business directory.
5. Website Operation.
6. Scholarship project.
7. Promoting the superiority of Oriental medicine.
8. Medical service.

Chapter 2 Members
Article 5 (Classification of members)
The Association is comprised of regular members, associate members, and honorary members.

Article 6 (Membership Qualifications)
The qualifications for members of this association are as follows.
1. Regular member: A person who falls under each of a), b), and c) below and has paid the annual membership fee by agreeing to the purpose and purpose of the association.
a) California State oriental medical doctor license holder,
b) Oriental medical doctor license holder in each state of the United States other than California State
c) NCCAOM credential holder in states that recognize NCCAOM credentialing.
2. Associate member: A person who holds an oriental medicine license in California and each state in the U.S. and has agreed to the purpose and purpose of the association and has not paid the annual membership fee.
3. Honorary members: Scholars, professionals, and related organization officials who are helpful to the development of the association may be appointed as honorary members. However, those who have been recognized with honor by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article 7 (Member’s Obligations and Rights)
The duties and rights of regular members of this association are as follows.
1. Regular members have the obligation to pay membership fees and comply with the resolutions of the general meeting.
2. Regular members attend the general meeting and have the right to speak, vote, and be elected.
3. Regular members have the obligation to comply with the by-laws and resolutions of the general meeting and board of directors.
4. Regular members must actively cooperate with the operation of the association and attend each meeting and fulfill their duties.

Chapter 3 Organization
Article 8 (Executives)
The organization of this meeting is as follows.
1. 1 president, 1 senior vice president, 9 or more vice presidents, 1 secretary, 1 treasurer, 1 secretary, (the secretary, treasurer, and secretary may have assistants as needed)
2. There will be one secretary-general and at least nine secretaries, and one secretary-general may be hired on a paid basis by the president and must be approved by the board of directors. Additionally, the board of directors has one chairman, one senior vice-chairman for general affairs, one senior vice-chairman for finance, at least five vice-chairmen, at least 50 directors, and two auditors.
3. The organization of the Association may be reorganized and operated by the Chairman depending on operational needs.

Chapter 4 Election and term of office of officers
Article 9 (Chairman Qualifications and Election)
1. Candidates for President and Senior Vice President must be qualified regular members who have complied with the obligations of Article 7 of Chapter 2 of the Articles of Incorporation for more than 4 years and must not be in violation of the rewards and punishment provisions of Article 25, 2), 3), and 4) of Chapter 8.
2. The president must be a citizen or permanent resident.
3. The president and senior vice president are elected at the regular general meeting.
4. The elected candidate must form a transition committee and jointly manage finances with the current executive branch from the date of election, and the current executive branch must actively cooperate.

Article 10 (Appointment and term of office of executive officers)
The term of office of the chairman is two years, and he may be reappointed or reappointed only once.
1. Officers are appointed by the president and their term of office is two years.
2. If a vacancy occurs during the term, the chairman appoints a successor to fill the remaining term.

Article 11 Election Commission
In order to ensure that the election of the president is fair and to carry out election-related work efficiently, an election management committee is established, and election-related regulations follow the election management operation regulations of the association.

Article 12 (Duties of officers)
The duties of officers are as follows:
1. President: Represents the Association, presides over general and extraordinary general meetings, and executes all resolutions of the Association.
2. Senior Vice Chairman: Assists the Chairman, supports and cooperates with the business of each department, and performs the duties of the Chairman in the event of the Chairman's absence.
3. Vice President for General Affairs: Manages membership management and overall internal affairs of the association, and also hosts various events for social interaction among members.
4. Vice President Planning and Finance:
1) Plan the internal and external business of the Association, balance the organization of the organization and the division of work between each department, and establish short- and long-term plans for the development of the Association.
2) Responsible for all income, expenses, and accounting of the association with the cooperation of the secretariat and finance.
5. External Vice President: Understands external affairs, negotiates with open doors, and determines the future of the association.
Responsible for operations for oriented development and exchanges for improvement of rights and interests.
6. Welfare Vice President: Reviews projects for member welfare and establishes detailed plans to implement them.
1) Member care and retirement plans
2) Insurance, legal, medical, tax, etc.
7. Vice Chairman of Civil Affairs Ethics: Conducts member complaints and grievances and ethics education twice a year and establishes and implements measures to deal with illegal medical practices. It also provides enlightenment to members who have left regular membership.
8. Academic Vice President: Plans academic conferences and continuing education for members, and prepares lecturers and general education seminars that can be helpful in clinical practice.
9. Vice President of Community Service: Plan and establish public medical service and serve society by performing medical service at least 1-2 times a year.
10. Vice President for Policy: Establishes and implements policies for the operation of this meeting. Several members may be appointed to establish policies.
11. Vice President of Public Relations: Establishes a long-term and continuous plan for the development of Oriental medicine through internal and external publicity of the Association.
12. Vice President of Academic Management:
1) Activate the association's academic societies and cooperate with the academic vice president to conduct academic seminars for each academic society.
2) Recruit academic societies that are not affiliated with this association and negotiate with them to have them affiliated with this association.
13. Vice President of Event Management:
We carry out the year-end events of the Association and various events for the development of the Association in cooperation with the Vice President for General Affairs and the Secretary General.
14. Next Generation Management Vice President:
We create programs for the young, next-generation members of this association and help them grow by educating them to suit the local community.
15. External Relations Vice President: Supervises external relations and events to revitalize the Association in consultation with the Vice President for General Affairs and receives support from the secretary and each department.
16. Regional Vice President: In charge of each branch in the United States.
17. Secretary: Manages preparations for various meetings and administrative affairs for continuing education of the Association.
18. Deputy Secretary: Assists the Secretary with his duties and assists the Secretary General with his duties.
19. Treasurer: Assists the Vice President of Finance and is responsible for all income, expenditures, and accounting of the association.
20. Secretary: Attends all meetings of the plenary session and records and records the contents of the meetings.
21. Secretary General: Represents the Secretary and oversees special matters required for events at the General Assembly in consultation with the Vice President for General Affairs.
22. Secretary: Manage special matters required by the general meeting in consultation with the secretary.
23. Director of the Secretariat: The Director of the Secretariat employs one paid person and does not have the right to vote, be elected, or vote. Under the direction of the president, it is subordinate to the General Affairs Department and is in charge of all administrative tasks and equipment management within the association, and can supplement personnel as work increases.

Article 13 (Election of auditors)
The auditor has been a regular member for at least two years and is elected by the consent of more than half of the regular members present during the presidential election at the general meeting. The term of office is two years.

Chapter 5 Board of Directors
Article 14 (Board of Directors)
1. The Association has a Board of Directors as its decision-making body, and the Board of Directors consists of directors and executives (executive directors). It consists of 50-60 directors including 1 chairman, 1 vice-chairman for general affairs, 1 vice-chairman for finance, and 5 or more vice-chairmen, and may be increased as needed.
2. The qualifications for the chairman of the board must be those who have fulfilled the obligations of Article 7, Chapter 2 of the Articles of Incorporation for more than 4 years and must not be in conflict with the reward and punishment provisions of Article 25, Paragraph 2), 3), and 4) of Chapter 8 of the Articles of Incorporation. The chairman of the board is elected by the chairman and must receive the consent of more than half of the directors present at the general meeting or the board of directors.
3. The Chairman represents the Board of Directors, chairs the regular and temporary Board of Directors meetings, and convenes and operates Board of Directors meetings.
4. Senior Deputy Chairman: Assists the Chairman, supports and cooperates with the work of the Board of Directors, and in the event of the Chairman's absence, the Senior Deputy Chairman performs the duties of the Chairman.
5. Ex officio directors (executives) are appointed by the chairman, and non-executive directors are appointed through consultation between the chairman and the chairman.
6. The president, senior vice president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, secretary, and secretary become ex officio directors.
7. The term of office for the chairman and directors is two years.

Article 15 (Matters resolved by the Board of Directors)
The Board of Directors of this Association may decide on the following matters.
1. Matters pertaining to the basic operating policy of the Association
2. Matters related to business plan and budget
3. Matters related to business performance and settlement of accounts
4. Matters not stipulated in the bylaws or other details necessary for the operation of the association may be enacted through resolution by the board of directors.

Article 16 Standing Committee
1. A standing committee may be established to ensure smooth progress of the president’s affairs and overall business cooperation.
2. The chairman becomes the chairman of the standing committee and convenes and operates the standing committee.
3. Important issues passed by the standing committee are reported to the board of directors and general meeting.
4. Standing committee members include the chairman, senior vice-chairman, vice-chairman of the relevant department, chairman of the board, senior vice-chairman, and advisory director. Other standing committee members may be elected by the standing committee, including the former chairman and former chairman of the board.

Article 17 (Advisors and Advisory Committee Members)
The Association may have honorary advisors, advisors, and advisory committee members, who are appointed by the Chairman. Honorary advisors, advisers, and advisory committee members may respond to the Association's advice and speak at all meetings, and non-regular members do not have voting rights.

Chapter 6 Meeting
Article 18 (Meeting)
The plenary meeting consists of the general meeting, board of directors, executive meeting, standing committee, and each department meeting.
1. The general meeting consists of a regular general meeting and an extraordinary general meeting, and the regular general meeting is held on the first Saturday of November every year.
2. The board of directors is divided into a regular board of directors and a temporary board of directors, and the regular board of directors is held in the first and second half of the year.
3. Regular executive meetings may be held once a month and may be convened at any time when the Chairman deems it necessary.
4. Standing Committee: If the Chairman deems it necessary, he or she shall convene a standing committee meeting to discuss the agenda of the relevant department and cooperate in its progress.

Article 19 (Meeting Convening)
The plenary meeting is convened as follows.
1. Regular general meeting: The chairman convenes the regular general meeting on the first Saturday of November every year by providing written notice (Text, Fax, E-mail, SNS, etc.) 10 days prior to convening the meeting.
2. Extraordinary general meeting: Convened in the same manner as in the preceding paragraph when the chairman deems it necessary or when more than 1/3 of the directors agree.
3. Regular Board of Directors Meeting: The Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Directors may convene the meeting in the first and second half of the year and may convene it by providing written notice (Text, Fax, E-mail, SNS, etc.) 10 days prior to the meeting date.
4. Temporary board of directors meeting: Convened when there is a request for important agenda items from the chairman, chairman, or more than 1/3 of the directors.
5. Meetings by division: Each division chairperson convenes from time to time when deemed necessary. However, if there is an emergency when convening a meeting, there is no time limit.

Article 20 (Matters resolved at the meeting)
Each meeting deliberates and decides on the following matters.
1. Regular general meeting: Deliberation and approval of amendments to the articles of incorporation, election of the president, financial statements, business reports, work plans and budget proposals, announcement of notices, collection of opinions from all members, and other important matters of the general meeting.
2. Extraordinary general meeting: When there are issues requiring a general meeting, the chairman convenes it and may hold it together with the board of directors when necessary.
3. Regular and temporary board of directors: Review and decide on amendments to the articles of incorporation and business plans established at executive meetings.
4. Executive Committee: Decides on business plans, operation plans for decisions made by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly, budget execution matters, and matters related to the practice of the Association.
5. Subcommittee: Determines research matters for each division and special matters applicable to the division.
6. Special Committee: A special subcommittee is established to handle major and minor cases both internally and externally to the Association.
Article 21 (Resolution Method)
All meetings of the General Assembly other than Article 25, Paragraph 4 shall be passed with the approval of more than half of the attending regular members with qualified voting rights. At all meetings of the plenary session, the chairman has the right to vote, and in case of a tie, he has the right to decide.

Chapter 7 Finance
Article 22 (Finance)
The finances of this association are covered by the following income:
1. Import
① Annual fees, position fees, and other donations are included.
② Matters related to imports shall be governed by the supplementary provisions.
2. Spending
Each relevant department prepares a spending resolution, receives approval from the Chairman, receives the budget from the Vice President of Finance, and submits expenditure settlement documents to the Ministry of Finance. However, depending on the situation, the chairman may make a verbal approval in advance, and the person in charge will submit the usage details and settlement documents to the Treasury. The Chairman, Executive Vice President, and Vice President Finance approve the above matters.

Article 23 (Audit Duties)
1. The auditor shall conduct an audit of the finances of the Association from October 1 of the previous year to the end of September of the current year and report to the regular general meeting.
2. Auditors may attend the board of directors meeting and state their opinions.

Article 24 (Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year of this association is as follows.
1. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from December 1 to the end of November of the following year. Chairman Lee. The inauguration ceremony will be held in December.
2. Finance and other matters will be handed over by the end of December.
3. The new president will represent the association and carry out all duties starting January 1.

Chapter 8 Rewards and Punishments
Article 25 (Member Recognition and Discipline)
The Association may award and discipline the following.
1. Persons who have made outstanding contributions to the Association may be recommended and awarded by the Board of Directors.
2. Members, chairpersons, directors, and auditors who have not complied with the purpose of the Association and the obligations of members, or who have hindered the development of the Association or damaged the reputation of the Association, may be subject to recommended disciplinary action, expulsion, etc. by resolution of the Board of Directors or the General Assembly.
3. Officers who have acted in violation of the Association’s Articles of Incorporation may be dismissed and disciplined by the appointing authority.
4. The impeachment of the Chairman and Senior Vice President shall be convened at an extraordinary general meeting after resolution by the Board of Directors when it is recognized that they have acted in a manner detrimental to the Association or tarnished its reputation, and it shall be passed with the consent of more than 2/3 of the number of regular members present.

Article 26 (Revision of Articles of Incorporation)
The Articles of Incorporation of the Association may be amended only upon resolution by the Board of Directors and the consent of more than half of the regular members present at the general meeting.

Article 27 (Enforcement into force)
The Articles of Incorporation of the Association shall take effect from the date of passage at the General Meeting.

Supplementary provisions
Supplementary Provisions Article 1
1. The Board of Directors shall separately stipulate the detailed regulations regarding the enforcement of this Supplementary Provisions. However, the supplementary provisions must not conflict with the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation.
2. Among executives, the secretary, treasurer, secretary, secretary general, and secretary are exempt from annual membership fees. However, if any of the above executives fails to attend the Association's official meetings and events more than three times a year, they must fulfill their membership fee obligations in accordance with Article 7, Paragraph 1 of the Articles of Incorporation.
3. The event participation and training fees for executives are subject to the executive price set at the time of planning the event. However, provisions 2) and 3) above can be modified with the authority of the current president.
4. Matters not stated in these supplementary provisions shall follow general practices.
5. Student members:
a) We will introduce a student membership system to foster the next generation of this association and for the future development of oriental medicine.
b) A student member is a student attending a college of oriental medicine in the United States who has agreed to the purpose and purpose of the association and has paid the annual student membership fee.
c) Student members have the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Association's Articles of Association and the resolutions of the General Meeting and Board of Directors.
d) Student members can participate and serve as interns in the operation of the association and must attend each meeting and fulfill their member duties.
e) If a clinic intern is needed among student members, the association may recommend a suitable clinic among regular members.

Supplementary Provisions Article 2 (Expert Committee)
Professional committees necessary for the development of the association may be established.
1. Policy Advisory Committee
2. Academic Association
3. Society: As an academic organization affiliated with the California Oriental Medicine Association, it operates in accordance with the “Academic Bylaws” of the California Oriental Medicine Association.
(a) The president of the society becomes an ex officio officer (director) of the California Oriental Medicine Association.
(b) The president of the society is recommended by the relevant society or executive committee and appointed by the president of the association.
4. Alumni Association: The alumni association of each Oriental medicine university is united to promote projects for the future development of the Association and Oriental medicine practitioners.
5. Clinic opening and management advisory committee: Holds seminars and workshops for members to open and successfully manage their own oriental medicine clinic.
6. Business Division: Plan and implement short- and long-term projects for the development of the association, such as new financial support projects for the development of oriental medicine and operation of the association.
7. Others

Supplementary Provisions Article 3 (Operating the Secretariat)
A secretariat is established and operated for efficient administrative work of the Association.
1. In principle, all documents of this Association shall be kept in original form with the signature and seal of the person in charge in accordance with administrative procedures for 7 years.
2. The Association’s Articles of Incorporation, meeting minutes, equipment ledger, and property statements are stored in the Secretariat under the management of the General Affairs Department.
3. The association's cash register and receipts (statements) are stored in the secretariat under the management of the Finance and General Affairs Departments and must be accompanied by the signature of the person in charge.

Supplementary Provisions Article 4 (Finance)
The finances of this association are covered by the following income:
1. It is made up of annual membership fees, position fees, and other donations.
2. The dues for regular members are $150.00/year and $300/2 years.
3. The membership fee for those who have acquired their license for less than one year and for new subscribers after July 1 of the relevant year is $100.00.
4. The deposits of the Chairman and Senior Vice President will be transferred to position expenses during the term of office only for the elected candidates.
5. At the time of election, the deposits of unsuccessful candidates will be returned to the association's finances and will not be refunded.
6. Membership fees are recognized for one year from the date of full payment.
7. Position fees: Position fees are as follows. However, full payment must be made by the end of March of the year of appointment.
8. If all officers and directors hold concurrent positions, the position fee shall be the larger amount.
Position Membership fee/1 year position fee
President $150.00/year $3,000.00/2 years
Executive Vice President $150.00/year $1,500.00/2 years
Vice President $150.00/year $500.00/2 years
Chairman $150.00/year $2,000.00/2 years
Senior Vice President $150.00/year $1,000.00/2 years
Advisory Director $150.00/year $600.00/2 years
Deputy Director $150.00/year $500.00/2 years
Moving $150.00/year $300.00/2 years
Audit $150.00/year $300.00/2 years
President $150.00/year $250.00/year
Membership $150.00 per year
Student membership $30/year

California Oriental Medicine Association Election Management Regulations
Article 1: General Provisions
These regulations are subject to the California Oriental Medicine Association and are referred to as the Association's Election Management Committee. In order to conduct the election management of this Association efficiently and fairly, election management operation regulations are established in accordance with Article 11 of Chapter 4 of the Articles of Association of this Association.

Article 2: Purpose
The purpose of the election of the president and senior vice president is to protect the rights and interests of members by conducting just and fair elections, and to promote internal and external development and harmony of the association.

Article 3: Election Commission (hereinafter referred to as the National Election Commission)
The association establishes an election committee to oversee election affairs when electing a president.
1. Election Commission: The chairman must convene a board of directors meeting 30 days prior to the election date, form an election commission, and announce it to all members in writing (Text, Fax, E-mail, SNS, etc.).
2. Election Chairman: Appointed by the Board of Directors of the Association.
3. Election committee members: Among the directors of this association, the election committee chairperson recommends 4 members and receives approval from the board of directors.
4. Observers: In order to manage fair elections, each candidate recommends two observers to assist the election management committee members with the election process and vote counting. However, observers must be regular members of this meeting.

Article 4: Presidential Candidate Qualifications and Registration
1. Qualifications
1) Those who have paid the membership fees of this association for more than 4 years. (However, the membership fees for the year of election must be paid before March 30th)
2) Those who have recommendations from more than 30 regular members. (However, multiple recommendations are invalid)
3) A person who does not violate the rewards and punishments of Article 25, Article 2), 3), and 4) of Article 8 of the Association’s Articles of Incorporation.
2. Registration
Candidates can be registered within 10 days (excluding weekends) after the National Election Commission has announced its formation, and the required documents are as follows.
1) Application for registration of candidacy for president confirmed by the Association (form prescribed by the National Election Commission): 2 sheets (1 in the Association’s archive, 1 in the National Election Commission’s archive)
2) Candidate pledges
3) 2 letters of recommendation from 30 or more regular members (1 in the Association’s archive, 1 in the National Election Commission’s archive)
3. Candidate registration deposit
1) Chairmanship: $2,000.00
2) Senior Vice President: $1000.00
3) When registering as a presidential candidate with the National Election Commission, a candidate for president must recommend one senior vice president and register at the same time, and each must pay a designated deposit.
4) All deposits paid when registering to run for president will immediately become part of the finances of the Association, regardless of whether the candidate is elected or not.

Article 5: Voter Qualifications
1. Regular member of this association
2. A person who maintains full membership status at the time of election in relation to membership fees.
3. Those who have paid the annual membership fee of the association by September 30th of the year of election.
4. A person who has been issued a ballot paper issued by the Association and confirmed by the National Election Commission
5. Election committee members do not have voting rights to ensure fairness in voting.

Article 6 Supplementation of deficiencies and grounds for disqualification
1. The National Election Commission must notify a candidate of his or her qualifications within 5 days of receiving candidate registration, and if there are any deficiencies, the deficiencies must be supplemented within 3 days of the request for supplementation from the National Election Commission. If deficiencies are not corrected within the specified period, you will not be eligible to become a candidate. (Excluding public holidays and weekends)
2. Even if you have been notified by the National Election Commission that you are eligible for candidacy, the National Election Commission may notify you of loss of candidacy if new reasons for disqualification that were not previously revealed are confirmed.

Article 7 Preparation for voting
The National Election Commission sets the date, time, location, etc. for the election, receives the voter list from the secretariat, and completes the issuance of ballots to be issued up to 5 days before the election.

Article 8: Elections
1. Elections are conducted through direct and secret voting by members of the Association.
2. The election date will be held at the regular general meeting on the first Saturday of November following the expiration of the president's term.
3. On the day of voting, voters must verify their identity on-site and receive a ballot paper to vote.
4. Only in-person voting in person on the voting day is valid.

Article 9 Election Criteria
1. When a single candidate runs, the principle is that he or she will be elected without a vote.
2. If there are two candidates for president, the one with the most votes is selected as the winner.
3. If there are three or more candidates running for president, the person who receives more than 50% of the votes in the first round of voting will be selected as the winner. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes, a second round of voting will be held immediately with the top two candidates and the person with the most votes will be elected. The winner is determined.
4. If the result of the second round of voting is tied, five election committee members are given the right to vote.

Article 10 Ballot Counting
The counting of votes is carried out by the National Election Commission after the election is completed, and the votes are counted fairly and with observers of each candidate.

Article 11: Announcement
The National Election Commission immediately compiles and announces the results of the vote count, declares the president elected, awards a certificate of election, and announces it in major daily newspapers.

Article 12: General principles
1. All finances of the National Election Commission are covered by the Association.
2. On election day, each candidate's opinion presentation will be limited to 10 minutes, and the recommender's opinion presentation will be limited to 2 people within 5 minutes.
3. Election campaigns can be carried out after the National Election Commission has notified the candidate of his or her qualifications.
4. The counted ballots are sealed under the observation of the National Election Commission and each candidate's observer and stored at the secretariat for at least one year.

Article 13 (Prohibition of fraudulent elections)
1. If you engage in illegal election activities (spreading money, black propaganda against the opposing candidate, or personal attacks), you will be warned when caught the first time, and your candidacy will be disqualified when caught the second time.
2. Illegal voting (proxy voting, ballot manipulation, vote counting manipulation) is prohibited.
3. If the election is confirmed through fraudulent voting in Article 13, Paragraph 2 of these regulations, the National Election Commission announces the election as invalid and recognizes the person who received the second highest number of votes as the winner.
4. If fraudulent voting is confirmed and it is not possible to confirm which candidate the opponent is, a re-voting will be held.

Article 14: Others
1. Matters not specified in these regulations shall follow general election law practices.
2. The decision of the National Election Commission cannot be overturned.
Article 15: Dissolution of the National Election Commission
After the election is completed, this National Election Commission will organize all affairs related to the election and be transferred to the Ministry of General Affairs within 10 days and disbanded at the same time. California Oriental Medicine Association Articles of Incorporation and Amendment Log

▶Established on June 30, 1984
▶Amended on December 2, 1988
▶Amended on December 10, 1993
▶Amended on December 9, 1995
▶Amended on November 17, 1996
▶Amended on October 27, 1997
▶Amended on October 24, 1998
▶Amended on January 23, 2000
▶Amended on March 29, 2003
▶Amended on January 14, 2012
▶Amended on November 2, 2019